Monday, April 20, 2015

#5) Daily Life..Blog 6 for the Week of 4/20

"What Exactly Do You Even Do There?!"
I get that all of the time...

My mom has been wondering, my friends all are asking, and my boyfriend is questionable. They all ask what I'm filling my days with, and if I'm doing anything besides hanging out with my friends and going on trips. The answer is...yes, sort of! My sixth blog post is about what I do on an "average" day. 

Since we dont really have a set "schedule" and our weeks never seem to be the same as the one previous, my day-to-day schedule seems to change often. But, for the days that we have class and are in Olomouc, my days are usually pretty busy! Usually, on Mondays-Thursdays, we have class from 3pm-7:30 ish. So, we are free before and after that time. On those days, I find myself doing things I would normally be doing in America, such as grocery shopping, doing my laundry, and trying to work out (that seems to be happening less than it was in America, which was minimal to begin with!). I also run various errands, such as go to the post office, the phone store, and the train station. After class, I usually have some homework from my Czech Language class to do, and often times I'm writing blog posts! My sleeping schedule has not been the best, as I usually stay up watching movies or FaceTiming and sleep in since class isn't until the afternoon. Sometimes at night, usually on Mondays and Wednesdays, we go to the bars for country-themed parties. Some themed parties that we have been to have been Turkey, Italian, African, and others. American night will be sometime in May!

On Fridays and weekends, anything goes. If we're in town on Friday, we have class from 10:30AM until 1:00 in the afternoon. After class, people mostly leave to go various other places for the weekend, or we leave on a field trip. Which brings me to my next point, weekends. I have only been in Olomouc for two weekends, and unfortunately, I dont think I will be again for the rest of my time here. My weekends have been and will be full with field trips and personal trips with friends. For example, we are going to TerezĂ­n, Czech Republic with our class this coming Saturday. The next weekend my friends and I are planning a trip to Croatia (still up in the air!), and then we will be with the class on the weekend after in Krakow and Auschwitz, then Budapest, next Bohemia, and then finally Greece! I will be very busy in the next month! However, as much as I love the field trips, its not all fun and games! So yes, we have been doing some very worthwhile things. We have been learning so much every single day, and that has been the best part!

This week's schedule and our lecture topics

I was not so happy about carrying my extremely heavy Globus grocery bag back to our dorms

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